中文翻译与英英解释 | 1.解雇。 2.(临时)解雇期。 3.关闭;停歇。 4.停止活动[比赛]时期。
| | | lay: lay1 lie1的过去式。 | | off: adv. 1.〔运动〕向那边,隔开。 be off 走, ... | |
| dismiss, usually for economic reasons; "She was laid off together with hundreds of other workers when the company downsized" 同义词:furlough,
| | put an end to a state or an activity; "Quit teasing your little brother" 同义词:discontinue, stop, cease, give up, quit,
例句与用法 | 1. | Then we had to lay off thousands of people . 其次,我们不得不解雇了数以千计的人。
| | 2. | Lay off him ! can not you see he is badly hurt ? 把他放好!你没看见他伤得很厉害吗?
| | 3. | I want you to lay off the drugs . 我希望你停止吸毒。
| | 4. | In the past, i never had to do much laying off . 在过去,我从来不需要大批地辞掉人员。
| | 5. | Why don't you lay off today ? 你今天为什么不休息?
| | 6. | Romulus began at once to lay off the bounds of his little town . 罗穆卢斯立即开始规划他的小镇的边界。
| | 7. | He wanted to know more about the lay off the land before investing . 在投资之前对所面对的局势他想多知道一点。
| | 8. | The workers of the factory have been laid off on account of the depression . 由于不景气,工厂的工人被暂时解雇。
| | 9. | Those laid off received their regular checks, plus vacation and severance pay . 那些被裁的人都收到他们应得的薪金,再加上假期和解职的酬金。
| | 10. | He told me, that he had been obliged to lay off mr. trager and mr. bishop, in spite of their long years of service . 他告诉我,就连干了许多年的特雷格先生和比绍普先生也被他不得已辞退了。